28 November, 2016


Both the tests that have been carried out throughout the project as well as the rules considered for the correct execution of them are collected here. Nevertheless, it is recommended to have a look at the collection of articles and books available in the following link if you need to go deeper into the subject.



According to CEN / TS 14425-1: 2003, these tests do allow obtaining material fracture toughness  through the failure load of the notched specimens. In the same way, the execution of the tests have been based on the considerations gathered in the UNE-EN 13161: 2008, where both the geometric and technical aspects that have to be taken into account are presented.

On the other hand, the 4-point bending tests allow to calculate the flexural strength under constant moment, which indirectly offers the tensile strength of the material.



It is a simple and fast test that allows characterizing the tensile strength of the rock in an indirect way. The conditions and requirements for the correct execution of the Brazilian tests are set out in UNE 22950-2: 2008.



The UNE-EN 1926: 2007 establishes the requirements, conditions and technical aspects necessary to carry out the simple or uniaxial compression tests, obtaining in this way the compressive strength of the tested rocks. On the other hand, measuring the deformations in the two main perpendicular axes with strain gauges other parameters such as the Poisson’s coefficient and the elastic modulus can be obtained (See also UNE-EN 14580: 2006).